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Attendee Chat Instructions

This instruction set will walk you through logging into and utilizing our Networking and 1:1 Chat system!

Logging In

  1. Make sure that you are logged in to the webpage by clicking the login button.

  2. Click Launch Chat on the Homepage

     3.If you’ve never logged in before, the profile set up page will be what you see next. Go ahead and          set that up! Here, you can enter your First Name, Last Name, Organization Name, Title, What                you’re interested in chatting about, and (not required) link your LinkedIn Profile to your account.            Additionally, you can upload a profile picture. Don’t forget to indicate whether or not you would                like to be listed in the Attendee Directory by selecting the relevant radio button!

         4. You’re ready to chat!

Navigating the system

          1. When you first land on the webpage, you will be in the default chat room. On the left sidebar, you will see the ll                list of available chat rooms, with a navigation box underneath. This left sidebar is also where you will see                          Private Chats (or Direct Messages).


       2. At the bottom of the screen, you will see a bar that has multiple functions:

        3.  The emoticon options that are available to you

            4. The textbox, where you type your messages

            5. The file attachment button, which will allow you to upload an image or file to the chat.

            6. The send message button, which you can click to send your message, file, or image.

3. On the bottom left, you will see the navigation box mentioned earlier. It has a variety of options as well:

             1. The Attendee Directory, which will allow you to see all the visible attendees that have registered in the chat                       system, as well as send them a Chat Request:

       2. Pending Chat Requests, which will allow you accept any incoming requests to private chat with you:

      3. Group Chat Topics, which will allow you to Join or Leave any available chat topics in the system:

         4. Log Out, which will allow you to log off of the chat system:


Other ways to interact

On the right hand side of the screen, you will see a vertical bar that shows some additional ways to interact with the group that you are currently viewing:


  1. Start Call: Here you can either call with the group, or join one that is in progress
  2. Members: Here you view the other attendees that have joined this group chat
  3. Leave Group: Here, you can quickly leave the group if you are no longer interested or have finished interacting with it.